I have never been a fan of the term "terrible twos." It always seemed to me to be some kind of self-fulfilling prophecy, an urban legend of age-specific horrors. Surely, I said to myself, such a mythical two-yeared beast could be avoided with mindful parenting and positive thinking! I've even referred to them as "terrific twos," a term that I think I first saw in a far too enthusiastic book about how to teach your toddler to read using only toilet paper rolls and twine.
Connery has been easing into the twos since 18 months, but it's only been in the last couple of weeks that I've begun to question the idea that positive attitude is going to be enough to get us through the terrib-I mean, terrific twos. I'm beginning to think that perhaps heavy drinking is the only answer.
This morning was a case study. After fighting him into his clothes (more hubris payback for me who secretly looks down on those who bring their toddlers to nursery in pajamas), we prepared the exact breakfast he asked for: Autumn Wheat cereal with raisins with a side of apricots. (Do you think he needs some fiber? Maybe this is all about constipation.) He then informed us that he didn't want to sit in his booster chair, because Mommy's booster-free chair is infinitely better. Foolishly, we acceded, only to have him climb up and down constantly, smearing cereal hither and yon. When we disallowed this conduct, he went babycrazyloco. The scene culminated in Connery sitting on my chair, sobbing, "But this chair is beautiful."
It is so hard to be firm and consistent parents when you want to bust a gut laughing.
And how was *your* Thanksgiving?