Connery is getting to be an expert in choosing adjectives, at least some of the time.
He's learned that certain adjectives give him a pass for certain things. Like if he tells us a food is too spicy for him (pronounced "pie-sy" in Connerese), he doesn't usually have to eat it. Or if he tells us a book is too scary ("cary"), we'll go get him another one. The other morning, on his first day back to school, he told me that school was "too scary" and he didn't want to go. Talk about something that strikes fear in the heart of parents. After several minutes of exploration as to why school was scary, it was clear there was nothing truly scary about it. He just wanted to spend another morning home with mom or dad. Then, last night, he announced that he didn't want to take a bath because it was "too spicy."
We're on to you now, little man.