Throughout Connery's babyhood, I have made up a lot of songs. Generally but not always they involve bodily functions and are designed to distract him while I take care of the business end of a diaper. Some past hits include: "Butt Cream!" (sung to the tune of Batman), "Cream and Powder" (sung to the tune of Clementine), "Conneryman" (sung to the tune of Spiderman), and "One Fish, Two Fish" (sung to the tune of Fishheads).
I think this desire to make songs our own stems from my mother's teachings. She made up songs all the time, even into my adolescent years. Over Thanksgiving we were recalling The Period Song, which she made up for me when I was struggling with the early nuisances of womanhood (I won't quote the whole thing, but I will say that the money lyric involves "Sealy Posturepedic-ling").
All of our previous Connery Hit Parade favorites have faded into obscurity, however, now that we have discovered the magical lyrics that fit neatly into the tune of nearly every song: Stinky Booty, Stinky Butt. These words work with "Twinkle, Twinkle", "Clementine", and "Rock Me, Amadeus", among other quality melodic selections. Today, we started a round with the "Frere Jacques" tune. Connery really liked that one, singing along quite competently with both parts. I got some of it on digital recording, footage that I trust will be invaluable when he wants to start dating.