Dad is on the mend, finally, after the emergency surgery and enough collective worry on the part of his family and friends to keep 100 Titanics afloat. I even called in the major reinforcements on Friday--Mary and Chris--because I just needed to talk with some people who have known me and my family since I was in early elementary school. I'm always grateful at these times that I had the kind of childhood that allows me to still have friends who first met me when we were both 4. Chip, who grew up in all kinds of different places, thinks its a little odd (but perhaps secretly cool) that I can summon up these people going back 30 years or more.
We were hoping that Connery and I would be able to stay into the week, but The Boy woke up with a cough this morning, which would have meant potential contagion and the unappealing prospect of dealing with a sick toddler without the normal arsenal of the familiar. So we came home this afternoon. Both Chip and I were so tired that neither of us should have been driving. Connery refused to nap during the trip. Perhaps we should teach him to drive so that we could have caught a few winks.