Via Beauty and the Beltway comes this latest Conrad, as explained by the Associated Press:
"Republican Sen. Conrad Burns, whose recent comments have stirred controversy, says the United States is up against a faceless enemy of terrorists who "drive taxi cabs in the daytime and kill at night."
No. Please. Tell me he did not say that. Tell me he did not say that in front of the whole world, since Laura Bush was there stumping for him. Please?
Alas, my begging will do no good.
However, the spokesweasel has an explanation. Perhaps it will make me feel better:
"The point is there are terrorists that live amongst us. Not only here, but in Britain and the entire world," said spokesman Jason Klindt. "Whether they are taxi drivers or investment bankers, the fact remains that this is a new type of enemy."
Oh, I see. "Taxi driver" was just a stand-in for a random occupation. He could have just as easily said "stay-at-home moms" or "high school principals". Right. No difference in tone there.
Just call me proud--again!--to be a Montanan and a constituent today.