(I mean, besides the obvious one where the loving Creator that I understand to exist smites their leader with a well-placed lightning bolt, preferably directly into his anal cavity.)
I was appalled but not in the least shocked to read in the paper this morning that they are planning to picket at Phillip Baucus's funeral. This event is tailor-made for them: Interest is high because of the family name, and the media will be out in force. This is where my solution comes in--if the media will go for it. Here's my plea:
Don't cover these thugs. Ignore them completely. Ignore their hatred, their bigotry, their utter insanity. They have done nothing so far that is worthy of national attention, and I don't see them starting now. Rise above the easy story and, if you must cover the private grief of the Baucus family, do it in a respectful and honorable way. Let them picket, with their disgustingly hate-filled and utterly illogical signage and statements, but don't give them the satisfaction of getting national or even local coverage. Every second of air or print or 'net time that is devoted to their cause is a victory for them--by which measure I guess I could say they've beaten me today.
But I'll take the hit if it convinces even one other person to ignore the shameful spectacle these "Christians" intend to mount.