So I have a normal job now. It's part-time, but it has some benefits and it promises to be fun and challenging. The real challenge will be seeing if I can re-adjust to life in an office with Other People. I've been working from home for more than three years now, and while I feel that my discipline is pretty good (i.e. I try not to work in actual bunny slippers), it's not as if I've had to be truly socially acceptable for quite some time. It should be interesting.
The best thing about it--besides the obvious regular paycheck and *gasp* 401k and paid sick/vacation and employer contribution to Social Security and Medicare--is that it will allow me to get out in the community and meet people, something that can be difficult for us home office types. The other best thing is that it's part-time, which means I don't have to give up the freelancing. I do feel that writing is where I want to be long-term, but anything that helps me develop my skills outside of that while also letting me use the communications stuff is good in my book.
Ever mindful of Dooce et al., I'll keep my new workplace private, thankyouverymuch. In fact, I hope this will be the last you hear of it.