I had a visitor to my blog yesterday who arrived via the following search string:
"i was rubbing against him while i was dancing could i be pregnant"
First of all, let me speak directly to this person in case she should she choose to visit again:
Unless you were rubbing your naked naughties directly on top of his naked naughties, you're almost certainly not pregnant. One of the cruel things that you will discover when you are older and actually *want* to get pregnant is that--for a lot of women, anyway--it's really not as easy to get pregnant as you might think. Still, if you think you and the "him" in question might want to do something other than rub-dance at some point in the future, could I just beg you now to talk to your parents or another trusted adult? At least go visit WebMD. Even if you have no intention of going any further than dancing, you owe it to yourself to learn how everything goes together and how you can prevent untoward happenings such as disease and--yes--pregnancy.
Lecture done. Still, it gravels my ass to think of a poor, scared girl frantically Googling to try to answer a question she should already have the answer to. I'm a believer in the absolute terror of an accidental pregnancy as the primary method of birth control in teens--worked like a charm for me, heaven knows--but anyone who is worried that removing the dictionary-sized space* between her and her boyfriend at the school dance is just not getting the information she needs to make informed choices. As a society, we shouldn't be pawning off our responsibility for providing that information to search engines.
Oh, and person looking for "slutty eskimos"? You're on your own.