...to spend more time playing with my son on his newly cleaned-n-steamed playroom floor.
...to vigorously defend our kitchen island from becoming the repository of crap, aka the counter of death.
...to include a wider variety of discrete fruits and vegetables in my meal planning, i.e. not always just count the onions, peppers, and tomatoes already in the dish as our vegetable servings.
...to take my vitamins. All 26 of them.
...to enjoy the Montana outdoors. Why live in a place like this if you're not going to go hiking, skiing, skating, etc.?
...to continue flossing, building on my new habit of several exciting months.
...to stop thinking about my American Express card.
...to appreciate what I have every day.
...to maintain a tidy email inbox.
...to finish watching the second season of Grey's Anatomy so that we can watch the third season we've been Tivoing since September. (I'm pleased to report excellent progress on this goal already.)
...Ditto for Deadwood.
...to reacquaint myself with the inner structures of the Firehall Fitness and Health Center, despite my apparent interest only in the facade of said Fitness Center.
...to play more Scrabble.
...to blog more.
Happy New Year, everyone! What are your resolutions?