Spoiler alerts: If you are still waiting to watch your recordings of last night's Grey's and Ugly Betty, better skip this one.
Because I am the mother of a four year old, a devoted homebody, AND less than three years back in the United States after several years of enduring Czech basic cable, I find myself excited in an almost embarrassing way every time the new fall television season starts. The digital video recorder has been on fire this week, double-taping in nearly every prime-time slot. Thursday nights have always been the DVR overload night, what with Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy on ABC and The Office and My Name Is Earl on NBC.
So much excitement! So much drama! So much anticipation!
So little good television, at least on ABC.
Ugly Betty wrapped up the cliffhangers in a mostly satisfying way and set us up for some interesting new plots twists. It still had great, sharp writing and good actors, and I admit to being very affected when it was revealed that Santos had actually died. BUT, and it's a big butt, I could not stand the "Amanda-in-a-fatsuit" storyline, especially when it was paired with the more-than-average number of cheap shots relating to her outsized behind. The show is meant to be cartoonish and so I don't ever go in expecting realism, but to imply in any way that a woman of Amanda's size could gain that much weight in three weeks was purely ridiculous, and not even in a funny way.
One of the things I've always thought was interesting and unusual about Amanda's character was their portrayal of her as a compulsive eater who nevertheless remained thin. For once, it seemed, a show might not cave to the stereotypes and just might acknowledge that not every thin person eats nothing but Diet Coke and cigarettes and calls that willpower. That she until this season appeared to have the metabolism of a hummingbird on speed struck me as one of the few realistic portrayals out there of the oh-so-whimsical nature of the human body. How irritating and disappointing to have Ugly Betty not defy expectations.
As for Grey's, well, what can one say? I had a strong concern about shark-jumping last season when Meredith was brought back from her watery grave after what seemed like several hours of death. I can accept people being mostly dead in The Princess Bride, but Meredith never struck me as having the intestinal fortitude. If Miracle Max were to ask her what she had to live for, she would squeeze out, "TO WHINE". And now we get Meredith Jr.? Great. And nobody happened to make the connection before everybody's first day?
Bailey and Karev were the only ones I didn't want to smack upside the head, and I usually want to slap Karev. And don't even get me started on Izzy and the deer and the Bambi misunderstanding with George. That was some rockingly awkward and unrealistic staircase dialog. Still, we were getting somewhere in the last three minutes or so, right up until Izzy opened the door to find George and....my recording got cut off.
How sad that: 1) I cared that it cut off, 2) I will be combing the Internets to find out how it ended, and 3) you know I will be tuning in next week.
But I'm telling you, producers and writers of Grey's and Ugly Betty. You're on notice.