If you were refreshing my site madly last night, you might have noticed that my post from a couple of days ago disappeared overnight. Never fear, it wasn't any crazy Jore fans hacking the site. I took it down myself while I waited to hear back from my friend Sher, who left a very thought-provoking comment about the circumstances surrounding her own birth.
It certainly made me think about my own privilege and about how the issue of abortion--as clearly as I have always seen it--is anything but clear. While I can't imagine anything changing my fundamental belief that women must have the right to decide what happens with their bodies, I also know that abortion represents a response to a situation that I have never faced and hope never to face in my lifetime. The only clear thing is that all children, regardless of how they enter the world, deserve love and care once they're here.
I would like to think that is something that everybody can agree on.