Driving home from downtown today, I heard the president of the United States addressing the pope in a recorded report on NPR. He proclaimed the following:
“In a world where some treat life as something to be debased and discarded, we need your message that all human life is sacred.”
After I peeled my fender out of the tree that I accidentally drove into while I was ranting and swearing about how "all human life" does not apparently include people from Iraq or mentally retarded people who are convicted of committing crimes or people who might be terrorists, I got back on the road only to hear (the NPR version of) this:
"In rejecting that standard, the majority justices said there is no Eighth Amendment requirement that a government-sanctioned execution be pain-free. The Eighth Amendment requires that an execution procedure not involve "a 'substantial' or 'objectively intolerable' risk of serious harm," writes Chief Justice John Roberts in the court's main opinion."
Serious harm like...oh...I don't know...death? The cognitive dissonance, it burns! And it was considerably harder to extricate myself from the second tree.
Luckily, this was waiting for me when I got home. The laughing made my brain feel better.