Do you think anyone driving by our house will be confused as to where we stand in the upcoming election? Although there really ought to be a sign that reads "Pinko Commie Liberals With Mild OCD Live Here" to finish it out.
There is a longstanding joke about the family that I married into, the Ritters. The Ritters--whose ancestors hailed primarily from Ireland and Germany--love to party, but they're very organized about it, and every so often, Chip likes to unleash his inner Teuton. I knew it was coming out when we returned from the Park County Democrats dinner on Tuesday evening and Chip disappeared into the darkness of the front yard to arrange the many, many yard signs he had procured at the dinner.
Still, there's no denying it now. All of our (mainly Republican) neighbors will be well aware of our political leanings. Guess that puts us right out of the running for Harvest King and Queen.