So I spent some time at our local Obama office today (and can I just say that I still think it's freaking amazing that our little town has its own Obama office and staffer?) calling voters and generally trying to get out the vote. Given my generalized horror of calling people I don't know, I was expecting it to be fairly painful, but it was in fact fun. What's more, I had one of those rare conversations that made me feel as if perhaps this election might turn out OK.
The person at the top of my second call sheet was a nun, and an elderly one at that. I started my spiel and she listened politely as I finished my first line and then she cut me off. "Oh, I'm definitely supporting Obama," she said. "He's got my vote." We chatted for a moment, established that she had a way to get to the polls, she said, "God bless you" to me, and we hung up. I just sat there for a minute, grinning. I waited until one of the other volunteers got off the phone and told her. "I got a nun! An eightysomething-year-old nun who is supporting Barack Obama!"
Yes we can indeed.
And maybe, just maybe, yes we will.