Although I've been tempted before, I've never actually taken the National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) challenge. This year, that all changes:
So that means I'll be doing my level best to get in here every day in November, even when I'd rather be watching cheesy TV, to spout off about all thing Livingstonian. This morning I can direct you to Lynn Weaver's unparalleled LIvingston 365 site, where the talented Ms. W. has been taking and posting a different photo of Livingston every day this year. For Halloween, she captured the unbelievable Halloween costume of Chad Petrulis, owner of Chadz coffee house downtown. For all of you out there who think you had an elaborate or creative costume, well, you might have, but you didn't beat Chad.
My costume? Well, I continued my streak by going as a slightly harried, 30-something mother of two. It's scary because it's so realistic.
Honestly, I admire the people who go all-out for Halloween, but I'm just not into it--for myself. (I love dressing my kids up and decorating the house!) Maybe it's because costuming my body is not the easiest thing, or because I resent the tenor of some costumes but I think much of it has to do with my fuddy-duddy feeling that Halloween is for kids.
I'm the grown-up grousing because there is a gaggle of 16-year-old barely costumed boys on my porch shaking me down for candy. I'll smile like crazy and act scared for the tiny vampires and Buzz Lightyears and even the slightly older kids, but once they hit 13 or 14, they're cut off (in my head--I mean, I always give them the damn candy). Older than that and they're likely to be tempted to grab my son's jack o'lantern and smash it on the sidewalk or throw eggs at our cars or do other not-funny-at-all "tricks." I'm not quite sure when I became the crazy old lady yelling at "those damn kids!" but there you go. It's all part of my very convincing costume.
Happy Halloween and happier November, everyone! Here's a bonus shot of my kids, who went as a ninja and a devil. Appropriate somehow: